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TCU female students studying abroad touring a museum

Summer has officially begun for our Horned Frogs, and while our students may not all be on campus this summer, there are many ways they choose to stay involved and continue to enrich their educational experience.

Study abroad programs are one of the ways our students choose to spend their summer, as they pursue educational opportunities and explore new cultures across the world! TCU Global provides students the opportunity to represent TCU both nationally and internationally through a variety of programs tailored to provide students an unforgettable educational experience!

There are many options for students to study abroad both during the school year and during short-term breaks like winter and summer. For more information on the variety of programs offered, visit

We talked to a few students who have studied abroad through TCU Global programs. Below are some of their responses and their advice to students who are considering study abroad opportunities.


Q: Where did you study abroad? What was your favorite memory/experience?

"I am studying abroad in Rome, Italy. My favorite experience has been getting to learn about Rome's ancient history through monuments in my on-site classes."- Reagan S., Reno, Nevada, Political Science major, Criminal Justice minor

"I studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain (it was the most magical experience ever)! Sevilla is a smaller program, which made it all the more intimate getting to know the other TCU students."- Reya R., Danville, California, Finance and Spanish double major

"I studied abroad in London for three weeks with the Strat comm department. My favorite memory was the sports day because I love sports and would love to do strategic communication in the world of sports."- Bella R., Phoenix, Arizona, Strategic Communication and Political Science double major


Q: How did TCU help you as you prepared for your study abroad program?

"TCU taught me the importance of broadening my horizons and maintaining an open perspective when learning about new cultures."- Reagan S., Reno, Nevada, Political Science major, Criminal Justice minor

"TCU helped so much with the Visa process for abroad. There were other universities that didn't do this for their students, and it was months of trying to navigate difficult European bureaucracy. Also, TCU hosted an orientation session that provided us with important basic information about the program and the country we will be living in."- Reya R., Danville, California, Finance and Spanish double major

"TCU helped me prepare for study abroad because we had meetings beforehand to meet the professors and other students going. The topic of the class was branding in another country so we did readings on how the culture and marketing world is different from the US and that was super helpful."- Bella R., Phoenix, Arizona, Strategic Communication and Political Science double major

TCU Student Bella R. posing for a picture infront of Elizabeth Tower TCU Student Bella R. posing for a picture with fellow students in London


Q: What are some of your tips/advice to students who are interested in studying abroad?

"Eat all the gelato possible, make sure to always say per favor e graze, and say yes to every opportunity!"- Reagan S., Reno, Nevada, Political Science major, Criminal Justice minor

TCU student Reagan S.posing in Rome infront of a fountainTCU student Reagan S. posing with with friends in Rome  


"The most important advice I have for studying abroad is to make sure that you have a genuine interest in the country you are moving to and even do some research/know why you are going. Studying abroad sounds super glamorous, and yes, traveling through Europe can be amazing, but if you don't have an interest in or enjoy the country (specifically the city) you will be traveling to then you will not be able to make the most of your experience."- Reya R., Danville, California, Finance and Spanish double major

"My biggest piece of advice is you HAVE to go!! It's such a fun experience and a small enough group so you get to know everyone!! It's such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so be open to new things and step out of your comfort zone."- Bella R., Phoenix, Arizona, Strategic Communication and Political Science double major

To learn more about student experiences like those shared here, you can read more about them by visiting

Whether you choose to join a study abroad program or focus your studies on campus right here in Fort Worth, there are many options and opportunities available to our students who are looking to take their skills and knowledge to the next level!

Sophia Vargas is a senior Strategic Communication major with a Political Science minor from Northern California. She is a social media intern and operations intern for the Office of Admission. Sophia is also involved with her local church and the Turning Point USA chapter on campus.