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May Facebook Live with Dean Einstein 

Dean Einstein and Imani Wimberly, Assistant Director of Housing & Residence Life, answered questions about the housing application, move-in and roommate selection. Watch the entire video and check out tips about how to make the most of living on campus.

We assign housing selection time slots randomly.
It truly doesn't make a difference whether you complete your housing survey on the first or last day the application is open. Our system will assign everyone a random time slot for housing selection after the housing application closes. If you already know who you want to room with, you'll create a roommate group so you can all get the same time slot.

Answer the housing survey honestly.

It's important to answer questions on the housing survey honestly, especially if you don't have a roommate coming into TCU. It helps us match you with a roommate similar habits and lifestyle, minimizing conflicts down the road.

Matched roommates have great experiences!
While many students find their own roommate through current friends or on social media, we have plenty of students who are matched with a roommate. We don't see significantly different outcomes for students, whether they're assigned a roommate or find one. Our housing staff work very intentionally to make sure you can build community in your hall and set boundaries and expectations with your roommate to have the best experience possible living on campus.

You'll select your exact residence hall and room.
When your time slot for housing selection opens, you'll select the exact residence hall you want to live in as well as the room you want, assuming it's available. Find all of our residence halls and more helpful info on the Housing & Residence Life website. If you don't have a roommate and someone's in the room you want, you'll be able to see how good of a match they are and see how they answered their housing survey so you can make an informed decision.