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Horned Frog Blog

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Students eating at a large table in the campus commons at TCU's Common Table event

Here in the Office of Admission, we have many things to be thankful for: a plethora of purple apparel, mountains of Insomnia Cookies, and new visitors in the office every day of the week, just to name a few. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, some counselors, staff, and interns wanted to share their thankful thoughts about TCU. Today, we are thankful for:


"I am thankful to be part of a student-centered community and to work with colleagues who care deeply about the well-being of the entire TCU family." - Heath Einstein, Dean of Admission

"People are the most important asset we have. This is not only limited to students, but also to the faculty and the staff who make a university run. A leadership which values people and a mission and vision which emphasize people comprise the foundation of TCU. I am grateful to be associated with those who value both you and me." - Mandy Castro, Director of Admission 

"I’m thankful TCU is a community who works together and supports one another." - Marva Wood, Financial Manager

"I’m thankful for al the wonderful staff behind the scenes at TCU that make this place run. They are truly some of the kindest people you will meet and truly care about the students here. They are a big part of what makes TCU feel like home." - Kaitlyn Kurtz, Student Intern

"I am thankful for the wonderful people I have been blessed to work with and for at TCU for the past 8 ½ going on 9 years. I am grateful to work with talented, bright and awe-inspiring students and just to be a part of an overall campus community that supports people and helps people succeed in life. Lastly, I am thankful to be part of the Horned Frog Family as an employee and graduate for all of the aforementioned reasons and many others I am probably failing to list." - Michael Leshner, Transfer Admission Counselor

"I am thankful for my TCU family." - Beatriz Gutierrez, Assistant Director of Admission

"I'm thankful for the friendly faces you see all day from staff, professors, and students. Being nice to everyone seems to be a TCU norm and it is one of the reasons why TCU really does feel like home." - Ana Lardizabal, Student Intern

Purple Polos

"I am thankful for TCU for letting me wear polos during the summer! Having about 8 different polos emblazoned with TCU on it make sure I am comfortable all summer long - for which I am quite thankful." - Michael Glynn, Senior Admission Counselor 


"I am thankful for our intelligent, diligent and thoughtful TCU Admission staff." - Jim Atwood, Assistant to the Dean

"I’m thankful for my co-workers who are willing to step in during a time of need." - Christina Becan, Assistant Director of Admission Systems

"I am thankful for the intentional care provided by my fellow staff and the faculty. People really care about you around this place – about your professional growth as well as your personal well-being. My colleagues make TCU an exciting and an enriching place to work." - April Yandell: Associate Director of Admission - Transfer

Frog Fuel

"I'm thankful for extra breakfast burritos and Insomnia Cookies from Monday at TCU visits." - SuperFrog


"I am thankful for this beautiful campus that makes walking to the office every morning such a pleasant experience. Clean swept sidewalks, perfectly placed Christmas lights, and freshly planted flowers are just a few of the details that show the level of care put into everything at TCU" - Brooke Petty, Digital Marketing Coordinator

"I am so grateful to be a part of the TCU community because of how close and caring everyone is. I am so lucky to wake up on such a beautiful campus each morning! TCU has been such a blessing in my life." - Emma Hart, Student Intern


"I’m most thankful for the students! I love who I work with, but it is definitely our incredible students who keep us going. I just love to see all the amazing things they do once they are here on campus and what they choose for their career when they graduate." - David Stein, Associate Director of Freshman Admission

"I’m thankful for the opportunity to meet students from all around the world. Each day I step foot on TCU’s campus, I learn about different cultures, languages, countries, religious beliefs, food, and experiences. Each student’s story is different and I love hearing them all!" - Nicole Sinclair, International Admission


"Although there are numerous things to be thankful for, I am very thankful for my Faith, the ability to manage my health, family and friends. I am also very, very thankful for having a job and career that is fulfilling and rewarding as I work with students and families seeking to become successful through education which is something NO ONE can take away." - Victoria Herrera, Associate Director of Admission - Access Initiatives

"I am thankful for the tuition benefit and that my Freshman daughter is loving it here. I also realize now how thankful I was to have parking by our building now that I have a long walk to the garage." - Tessie Lumpkins, Data Control Specialist



Happy Thanksgiving from the TCU Office of Admission!